You can be confident that your treatment at Physio Leeds Crossgates will be carried out by a highly trained and qualified physiotherapist, who is Chartered and registered with the Health Care Professions Council. (MCSP, HCPC).
At Physio Leeds Crossgates we are committed to ongoing training. We maintain our CPD training with courses and online certified mandatory training to maintain our HCPC status and registration and to update our Physiotherapy clinical skills and knowledge . We also hold DBS enhanced certificates.
For added peace of mind, we are registered with all private health schemes eg Simply Health, BUPA , Nuffield and AXA PPP etc. Our BUPA provider is Simon Glover, whose name should be given when calling your insurer.
The clinic also has good links to GPs, consultants and podiatrists which may be used where necessary.
BUPA Approved Chartered Physiotherapist
Since graduating from Nottingham university in 2000 Simon has spent the last 15 years specialising in Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, including the treatment of back pain, neck pain and treating sports injuries with rehabilitation.
Simon is also a member of the Association of Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics, and is registered to provide Ergonomic Desk Assessments and advice. Simon is currently completing a PG Cert in FCP (First Contact Practitioner) a new role developed by Health education England to give physiotherapists enhanced skills in diagnosis of musculoskeletal and non musculoskeletal problems and when referral on for blood tests X-rays scans and referrals to consultants eg Rheumatologists is appropriate.
Simon is a keen sportsman, being a member of a golf club and a running club, and a gym enthusiast. He has competed in the London Marathon and the Leeds Triathlon and has a specific interest and knowledge in running, triathlon and golfing injuries, as well as treating all types of back pain, neck pain and whiplash.
Simon reguarly attends training courses and lectures to keep his clinical skills and knowledge up to date. Simon is a “hands on” physiotherapist, preferring to use specific soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation to heal injuries, using ultrasound where necessary. He then prescribes specific exercises for the patient to continue with to prevent reoccurence of the injury.
Simon’s team of physiotherapists at Physio Leeds Crossgates, aim to ensure that treatment is individually tailored to suit every patients needs. There is a strong emphasis on finding the cause of the problem where possible to help prevent recurrences.
Stephen is a specialist knee physiotherapist who has spent several years working with knee consultants in the treatment of knee injuries including sports and running injuries
Steve qualified in 1986 at the North London School of Physiotherapy.
In 1992 he received a Diploma in Manipulative Therapy at Sheffield University. In 2009 he received a Masters Degree in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice at Bradford University. He has worked extensively in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy as well as a clinical specialist for 19 years (2001-2019) as part of a multi-disciplinary rheumatology clinic and for 15 years (2006-2021) in an orthopaedic multi-disciplinary knee clinic.
Other post graduate courses have included Mulligan Techniques and Nuerodynamic Techniques both in the treatment of MSK disorders.
He has also been a regular speaker at post graduate training and study events. Prior to the Covid epidemic Steve organised and taught on a post graduate training course for junior physios and Drs called MSK Made Easy.
Jennie graduated from Bradford University in 2000 with a degree in physiotherapy and has worked in the NHS Leeds teaching hospitals since then . She has completed a masters degree in rehabilitation, and her Pilates matwork accreditation level 1, 2, 3 and examination with APPI – the Australian physiotherapy and Pilates institute .
Jennie teaches the Pilates classes at Colton on Tuesday evenings.
I have been having maintenance physiotherapy treatment from Simon at Physio Leeds Crossgates once a month for some time now . His systematic approach to my treatment has helped reduce and manage my back pain and headaches. I would definitely recommend Simon to provide successful treatment. Regular assessment of my pillows has also helped to reduce back and neck pain.